māday מָדַי ‘Media’ (Aramaic)

Etymology?: corresponding to māday מָדַי ‘Media’
Roots: מדי

māday pr n loc + pr n loc gen
Medes = "middle land"
n pr m
1) the territory inhabited by the Medes
 2a) located northwest of Persia proper, south and southwest of the Caspian Sea, east of Armenia and Assyria, and west and northwest of the great salt desert of Iram

Mentioned in Daniel 6:13, 6:16, 6:9, 5:28 Ezra 6:2

2014 — 2024 Institute for Biblical Content. Biblical Hebrew for linguists: a multilingual analytical biblical Hebrew lexicon.
Implemented as part of the research project at the ENS by M.Seveleu-Dubrovnik, PhD.
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